Saturday, October 18, 2008

Theater at Epidauros

To the left is the theater at epidauros. I chose this because even back then they had stadiums. here is where they expressed religious believes through music, poetry, and dance. Most of the plays in the fifth century BCE were tragedies based on popular myths. Now this is very to what we have today. WE also have stadiums and theater. But obviously they are a little more advanced nowadays.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

athena attacking the giants

I chose this picture of athena attacking the giants because this is first time their culture expressed murals with drama. this was very different to them because usually their figures based of a normal pose with one foot forward and a strong looking pose. having a little smirt on their face. Now i like this piece of work becuase it tells a story. Finally we can see that not everything was good. There was drama and anger and war and all the good stuff